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  • Tags: letter

Secretarial letter, signed R. D'Oyly Carte," on engraved writing paper of “D’Oyly Carte’s Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company,” dealing with performance rights for The Pirates of Penzance

Letter to soprano Geraldine Ulmar explaining the decision to cast Courtice Pounds as Colonel Fairfax, principal tenor in The Yeomen of the Guard.

Letter written in pencil to a Mrs Trevor thanking her for her well wishes and describing his illness on the opening night of Princess Ida.

Letter on behalf of W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan grants Mr Stevens permission to perform Trial by Jury at a reduced fee which will go to the Victoria Hospital for Children.

Autograph letter to Mrs. [Helen] D'Oyly Carte regarding the writing and staging of the comic opera Jane Annie.

Autograph letter concerning the set design that Joseph Harker was working on for W. S. Gilbert and Edward German's comic opera Fallen Fairies at the Savoy Theatre, London.

Autograph letter concerning copyright of W. S. Gilbert and Frederic Clay's comic opera Princess Toto, originally performed in 1869

Gilbert seeks permission to call his new play "On Guard". It opened at the Court Theatre, London, on October 28, 1871, but ran for only three weeks. Mrs. Cudlip is the author Annie Thomas, whose novel On Guard was published in 1865. Gilbert proposed…

Autograph letter regarding the writing and composition of the cantata The Golden Legend, an adaptation of the poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The work was first performed at the Leeds Musical Festival on October 16, 1886. Sullivan’s suggestion…

Autograph letter regarding arrangements for the upcoming performance of Sullivan’s music for Shakespeare’s The Tempest at the Crystal Palace, London.
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