Browse Items (242 total)

Autograph letter concerning the set design that Joseph Harker was working on for W. S. Gilbert and Edward German's comic opera Fallen Fairies at the Savoy Theatre, London.

Autograph letter concerning copyright of W. S. Gilbert and Frederic Clay's comic opera Princess Toto, originally performed in 1869

Gilbert seeks permission to call his new play "On Guard". It opened at the Court Theatre, London, on October 28, 1871, but ran for only three weeks. Mrs. Cudlip is the author Annie Thomas, whose novel On Guard was published in 1865. Gilbert proposed…

Autograph manuscript full score of "I will mention the lovingkindnesses," Easter anthem for tenor solo, chorus, and organ. Dedicated to John Stainer.

Autograph manuscript full score of On Shore and Sea, dramatic cantata for large orchestra, soloists and chorus. The manuscript is displayed open to a portion of the opening chorus "The Windlass ply."

Album page with four bars of music with lyric from Ages Ago: "Tis done - the spell is broken, We must away we must away (Ages Ago)" signed "Frederic Clay, New York, 29 April 1880." The reverse has a similar musical quote from Alfred Cellier's…

Photograph of two female performers in Princess Ida. Photo is stamped on back "Stage Photo Co., London."

Business reply post card detailing the posters shipped from Richard D'Oyly Carte at the Savoy Theatre, London, to Mr. R. Morgan at the Theatre Royal, Norwich, in anticipation of D'Oyly Carte's "Gondoliers" Company's visit to Norwich. Mr. Morgan is…

Libretto for Captain Billy, an operetta in one act written for the Savoy Theatre, London. Words by Harry Greenbank, and music by François Cellier.

Souvenir of the 65th performance of The Gondoliers by Francis Wilson & Co. at the Broad Street Theatre, Philadelphia.
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