Browse Items (242 total)

Autograph letter to Mrs. [Helen] D'Oyly Carte regarding the writing and staging of the comic opera Jane Annie.

Two twelve-inch long playing stereophonic records in decorative box. Utopia Limited; or, The Flowers of Progress, The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Royston Nash. Cover image of Kenneth Sandford as…

Picture book of full page scenes and quotations from The Yeomen of the Guard. Six pages of full color, six in black and red only. The drawings are based on the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company's Savoy Theatre production of 1887-1888. Full color cover…

This composition was published as a tribute to the comic magazine Fun, to which W. S. Gilbert was a leading contributor from 1861 to 1871. The figure in cap and bells (lower right) represents the magazine’s prominent rival, Punch.

Bound volume with color lithograph boards and 34 color lithograph pages of illustrations. The text is an adaptation of W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan's comic opera Princess Ida; or, Castle Adamant, reworded to promote the merits of the Chicago &…

Color lithograph card announcing D'Oyly Carte Opera Company touring production of Princess Ida "about to visit your neighbourhood." Cover depicts three young men in court attire scaling a wall.

Eight page flyer announcing first Canadian tour by the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company in Gilbert & Sullivan Operas. Contains four pages of photographs, article by J. M. Bulloch, and advertisement on back cover for Royal Alexandra Theatre, Toronto

Souvenir with card cover, purple ribbon, and color drawing of female character in The Mikado with floral mushroom hat, kimono with design of stylized trees and holding flat round fan in extended right hand. Souvenir illustrates in photos and…

Hand colored lithograph of scene on board H.M.S. Pinafore. Captain and sailors look on as a bucket of tar has spilled on woman's dress. Caption reads "The Merry Merry Maiden and the Tar," a parody of a lyric from the opera.

First run program for W. S. Gilbert's Haste to the Wedding (a musical version of Un Chapeau de Paille d'Italie with music by George Grossmith) at the Criterion Theatre, London. The program also included the operetta Poor Mignonette (music by…
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