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First run program illustrated with characters and scenes from Gilbert & Sullivan's Trial by Jury at the Royalty Theatre, London. Program also included a farce, The Secret, and Jacque Offenbach's opera, La Perichole.

Ten transcriptions of songs from Iolanthe by Ernest Perabo with color illustrated cover featuring four vignettes.

Watercolor over pencil drawing on card of George Grossmith as Robin Oakapple in first act of Ruddigore. Drawing is marked "Ruddigore" and "Mr. Grossmith." Additional pencil notations front and back of sizes.

Gilbert seeks permission to call his new play "On Guard". It opened at the Court Theatre, London, on October 28, 1871, but ran for only three weeks. Mrs. Cudlip is the author Annie Thomas, whose novel On Guard was published in 1865. Gilbert proposed…

Autograph letter concerning copyright of W. S. Gilbert and Frederic Clay's comic opera Princess Toto, originally performed in 1869

Inscribed copy of W. S. Gilbert's collected verse, "The Bab Ballads with which are included Songs of a Savoyard." Gilbert inscribed the front endpaper with a five-line quotation from his song "The played-out humourist" beginning "I've come to the…

Autograph letter concerning the set design that Joseph Harker was working on for W. S. Gilbert and Edward German's comic opera Fallen Fairies at the Savoy Theatre, London.

Inscribed copy of a volume of eight librettos of Gilbert's comic operas. Gilbert inscribed the front endpaper with a to-line quotation from Patience beginning "Sad is that woman's lot who year by year...," signed and dated it "6 June 1907." Vera…

Inscribed copy of a volume of eight librettos of Gilbert's comic operas. Gilbert inscribed the front endpaper with a four-line quotation from The Gondoliers beginning "The end is easily foretold;...," signed and dated it "6 June 1907." Vera Holme,…

Libretto for H.M.S. Pinfore; or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor. Created for the first American production at the Boston Museum.
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