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Cartoon in The Entr'acte Annual of a glaring W. S. Gilbert, dressed in armor, holding a large mallet labeled "Discipline" at his side. Small figure of Richard D'Oyly Carte at his side. Image is captioned "The Ironmaster at the Savoy."

Piano vocal score of The Light of the World, an oratorio, with "words compiled from The Holy Scriptures," music composed by Arthur Sullivan. Presentation copy to "R[obert] Taylor, Esq."

Sheet music with illustrated cover in blue, brown, and orange tones featuring three dancing women holding sheer veils over their heads.

Bound piano vocal score of Arthur Sullivan's sacred musical drama The Martyr of Antioch in publisher's decorative binding by Chappell & Co., London

Hand colored lithograph of scene on board H.M.S. Pinafore. Captain and sailors look on as a bucket of tar has spilled on woman's dress. Caption reads "The Merry Merry Maiden and the Tar," a parody of a lyric from the opera.

Large color lithograph poster for The Mikado featuring portraits of W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan, plus five vignettes of characters and scenes from the opera: Three Little Maids from School, Ko-Ko, Nanki-Poo, The High Executioner, The Mikado. …

Sheet music with illustrated cover in black, green and brown tones featuring three vignettes of two, one, and three characters, the middle one named Ko-Ko with absurdly long sword.

Large burgundy silk souvenir celebrating the grand reopening of the Grand Theatre and Opera House, Leeds, with a touring production of The Mikado by R. D'Oyly Carte's Celebrated Repertoire Opera Company.

Large full color poster for D'Oyly Carte's Opera Company's touring production of The Mikado. Bamboo border, central image of George Grossmith as Ko-Ko holding open fan beside face. Overprinted for Royal Lyceum Theatre (unidentified city).

Program with woodcut illustrations for the MacCaull Opera Comique Company production of The Mikado at MacCaull's Opera House, Philadelphia.
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