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First night paper program for W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan's comic opera Patience; or, Bunthorne's Bride at the Opera Comique, London. Program cover includes pink decorative border and three capital letters.

Decorative card program in full color for W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan's The Pirates of Penzance performed by D'Oyly Carte's Children's Opera Company at the Savoy Theatre, London. Card is in four panels. On one side each panel has a drawing of…

Bust photograph of Marion Hood in large flowered hat and flower bedecked dress on photographer's card mount of Elliott & Fry, London. Mount is marked "Miss Marion Hood in 'The Pirates of Penzance.'"

Nearly full length photograph of Harriett Everard wearing bonnet and shawl and holding small basket in both hands on photographer's card mount of Stereoscopic Co., London.

Three-quarter length photograph of George Grossmith in gilded jacket of First Lord of the Admiralty on photographer's card mount of Stereoscopic Co., London.

Full length photograph of Rutland Barrington in naval dress uniform holding sword in left hand on photographer's card mount of Stereoscopic Co., London.

Early first run program with for H.M.S. Pinafore; or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor by the Comedy-Opera Company at the Opera Comique, London. The program also includes The Spectre Knight, an operetta with words by James Albery and music by Alfred…

First edition libretto of W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan's nautical comic opera in two acts H.M.S. Pinafore; or The Lass that Loved a Sailor. It was produced at the Opera Comique Theatre, London, 25 May 1878.

Three-quarter length photograph of Fred Clifton in wig holding ear trumpet to left ear on photographer's card mount of Stereoscopic Co., London.

Nearly full length photograph of two performers in The Sorcerer on photographer's card mount of Stereoscopic Co., London. Sir Marmaduke holds Lady Sangazure's left hand.
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